Before now, I have been made to believe that the Minister of Education of the republic of Liberia is a big disgrace to education but after reading the actual post by the minister, it's evidently clear that he was taken out of context. How on earth can you take a phrase out of such a lengthy post to conclude on the minister's stand on education. What hurts me so much is that  so many people are making  ridiculous statements against the minister when they have not even read the minister's post. In my opinion, the minister was exposing what our so called educated elite do. It will be good that we all read the minister's post and make our own analysis rather than the "they say" and also stop speaking out of sentiment.
Am so glad that minister also spoke on the fact that there are many edited videos and audios of Senator Weah circulating on social media all in the name political propaganda.
To all my erudite comrades, I know we are in a political season but it will be better we stay clean and speak to the issue as they ought to be rather than insulting the various presidential aspirants on social media especially.

*Below is the post of the Hon.Minister of education, please read and make your own analysis just in case you have not read it.*

Minister Werner posted: “What's the purpose of political debates in Liberia, and who are the debates for?
Where's the evidence that a candidate became president in Liberia because s/he was a great debater?
Let those who manage the candidates advise them to campaign to their strengths. Don't debate if it isn't your strength.
There are many other ways to articulate your platform or vision for the country.
The debates could be a setup by the meritocratic elite (for the elite) to show how educated and knowledgeable they are.
It's been an essential part of Liberian history, of exclusion even, to eliminate the perceived uneducated through "book" talk.
Read between the lines and see the edited videos of Weah's speeches on social media.
Da book talk we'll eat? For those who are surprised by this post, I haven't changed my views since 2004.”
For Werner, many politicians flex their intellectualism to roll up lies to the ordinary people who have limited education.
He went on to write: “They like hiding behind books to lie to the people.”
How does a debate, an intellectual exercise, help you to "live Liberia, think Liberia, and love Liberia"? By the way, who won the debates in 2005 and 2011? Where are they now?”
He continued: “To the book people, education does not promote equality and shared prosperity. Education alone is not enough to make anyone a "good" leader.”
The suggestion that all must participate in debates to justify their quest for leadership and their 'educatedness" is tabata (origin in Kru, anything that does not make sense), to say the least.
How about meeting voters in the palava huts, under the trees, in their communities and homes.
“By the way, don't use the schools and break the desks and chairs. Advice to all candidates: campaign to your strengths. Don't follow the meritocratic elites' intellectual stagecraft. They set it up to their advantage with their unscrupulous recorders and editors.”


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