GEORGE WEAH’S SPEECH- at yesterday’s press conference.

Fellow Liberians,
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press,
Our International Partners,
Peace-Loving People all over the world:
I want to use this opportunity to give praises to the Almighty God for His many blessings upon our country and for carrying us, peacefully, through the first phase of our electoral process.

I also want to thank you, the Liberian people, for peacefully engaging the process and agreeing that we deserve a peaceful transition.
Let’s also express thanks and appreciation to all those who took part in the process and for the contributions they made to the process.
I want to congratulate all those who won seats in the legislature. I look forward to working with each of you in the not-too-distant future as we strive to move our country to a higher level of development and prosperity.

Let me also thank President Ellen Jonson Sirleaf for demonstrating to Africa and the World that we have leaders on the Continent who are ready to turn over power when their term expires. In furtherance of my appreciation and recognition, I would like to recognize the National Elections Commissions (NEC) for the efforts made in conducting the first round of elections even though we still decry the many lapses and irregularities that engulfed the process.

I want to caution NEC strongly that history has asked you to perform a very important  job that will see our country experience for the first time since 1944 the peaceful transfer of power from one living president to another living President-elect. Our people have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. It is therefore mandatory that you perform this job responsibly without fear or favor.

The continued peace and prosperity of this country depend on how you will conduct these elections. We are aware that there are many influences and pressures on you, but remember that your job is to announce the will of the people and nothing else. Yes, the will of the people and nothing else.

Fellow Liberians,
Ladies and Gentlemen of Press:
I want to use this medium to also tell the country, our international partners and my partisans about my position on key issues as we approach the second-round of the elections which I believe is a defining moment for our country.

1. Let me first categorically say to you that the Liberian people spoke very loudly and clearly in the first round that they want a change and I hope that all the different interests have heard that message;

2. That these elections are about the hopes and future of our country and that no amount of fear tactics and intimidation will stop the Liberian people from realizing the change they truly desire.

3. That this information they are spreading  that certain international powers will not work with the CDC government is false, misleading and dishonest. I have met with all our international partners and regional leaders and assured them that our government will play by the rules and seek the interest of the Liberian people who have suffered for so long.   I want all Liberians to know that international partners are prepared to work with whoever the people choose to be their leader.

4. The notion again that the CDC is a movement to bring Charles Taylor back to this country is not true. This is the lowest level that my opponents have taken our national politics. Instead of telling you about how they will make your lives better after being in power for 12 years, my opponent and his people are lying to you that Charles Taylor will influence me when you make me your President. I want you to know that the case with Charles Taylor is already settled in international court and we fully respect that decision and there is no way he can run Liberia from there.

5. The CDC has its own agenda. The CDC's agenda is not an NPP agenda. The CDC's Agenda is not a Taylor Agenda. Our vision for this country which we have clearly explained since the 2005 elections is about an inclusive form of government with everyone having equal access to opportunities and resources including the poor and marginalized.

6. I want to tell you today that the CDC government will not engage in witch hunt, divisiveness or tribalism. Our country has suffered too long and it is time for a leader that will unite our people to move on. We want to build on whatever progress we have made as a country over the last 12 years and correct whatever mistakes or shortcomings that took place.

7. Let me also clarify that I will continue to respect Madam Sirleaf as the President of the Republic of Liberia and I also see her as a mother. While we have disagreed over the years ideologically as to the forward march of our Country, there is absolutely no reason for me to go out there insulting or disrespecting her. For 12 years, I have remained the true voice of the voiceless in our country. For 12 years, I have kept the torch of hope burning for the marginalized people of Liberia as the leader of the opposition. For 12 years, I have work immensely to make Liberia peaceful and stable.
Therefore, I want to make it crystal clear that I will not engage in any action that has the propensity to derail the gains we have made.

In view of the above, I would like to strongly debunk the lies being perpetrated by enemies of progress that I'm receiving support from Madam Sirleaf. If the Unity Party is not able to cultivate a relationship with its outgoing standard bearer, they should not scapegoat the CDC. You have your problems, deal with it. I want the Liberian people to think very hard about this, don’t give power to people who are disunited and very distrustful of each other; those that are bent on creating division and acrimony among our people.

8. The CDC intends to utilize the skills and talents of every Liberian regardless of which political party they belong to or how they voted in these elections. This country belongs to all of us and we must find a way to develop it in an inclusive manner for all Liberians. No leader can be successful by dividing the people he/she governs like we see the Unity Party doing.

Fellow Liberians,
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press:
Before I close, let me again assure all of our citizens and all of our international partners that the CDC is comprised of qualified and capable Liberians who have this country at heart and are prepared to do whatever it takes to move it forward.

Do not allow anyone to deceive you that Liberia will fall into lawlessness and chaos just because the CDC has won elections. If you look at our history, since 2005 we have remained peaceful even when we disagreed with the outcome of past elections.  CDC is and will continue to be a non-violent movement comprised of patriotic Liberians. Those who spread such lies and fear are dishonest people who want to do everything to maintain the power even if the people spreading the lies have done nothing good for the country. They had 12 years of leadership that you gave them and they did not improve your conditions. I don’t think they can fix it in the next 6 years. It is time for a new breed of leaders to take the stage and make their contribution to clean up the mess.

Fellow Liberians,
My record as a proven patriot and achiever is there for all of you to see. I came from a very poor and humble background like most of you.  I used my God given talent with the support of my late grandmother to lift myself out of poverty. I represented Liberia in the international arena with class and compassion.  

I have stood up for the marginalized and disadvantaged people. I used my capacity, resources, and fame to bring international attention to the suffering my country was going through when it was needed most. I have NEVER walked away from this country.  I have NEVER walked away from you, my people; and I promise you that if you entrust me with the presidency of our country, I will NEVER, EVER fail you.

I have lots of friends in international circles who are prepared to help our country move forward.
My team and I are prepared for the challenges that lies ahead. We know it won’t be easy but we are fully prepared. The notion that only one group of people know how to fix this country’s problems even though they haven’t done so in the last 12 years is a total deception.

My Fellow Partisans, I would like to commend you for your votes in the first round; and encourage you to not be discouraged as nothing good comes easily. Change is almost here and Hope is still Alive! We started this journey together and we must finish it together. I beg your indulgence to please complete the good work you have started by going back to the polls to vote on November 7th. Not just to vote, but to ensure you vote properly so that your votes can not be deemed invalid. I would like to further admonish you to please don't fall to their deceptive tactics by selling your voting cards.

To the supporters of opposition parties that did not make it to the 2nd round, I want to extend an olive branch to you; and want you to know that CDC is your home and we welcome you to come home so that we can transform lives together and collectively build a better Liberia.

To our colleagues at NEC, history is watching!
The world is watching! The people have spoken! Liberia deserves nothing less than a free, fair and transparent process that produces the will of the people. Democracy is about the will of the people, and not the will of a selected few.

On these notes, fellow Liberians, let me wish all of us a peaceful election on November 7th as the CDC and our opposition friends are ready to take state power and transform the lives of its people.

May the Almighty God and Allah bless us all and save our dear country, Liberia.
Thank you!!

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